Friday, July 5, 2013

Not So Formal Disclaimer

There's a certain amount of pressure in creating a blog.  Am I interesting enough for people to follow?  Can a talk about my day without people thinking I am husband-bashing?  Who will I offend by writing about my dislike of anything and everything that crawls through the state of Arizona? 

First and foremost, my mom, sister and best friend think I am interesting.  When I have an audience, I become even more interesting so I hope to not bore you.  If I do, you won't offend me by unsubscribing to my blog.  I definitely go through streaks where I am more interesting than other times.  I think that is true for most people.  Occasionally, I get a bee in my bonnet and rant and rave about some sort of social injustice in the world.  Unfortunately, I'm not referring to starving tribes in the Amazon or the near-extinction of some sort of parasite in Uganda.  No, I get REALLY irate when people don't put their shopping carts away at the grocery store.  That's just lazy.  I call up my bestie, Renea, and just go off about this from time to time.  It irks me.  So just to warn you, that post is coming. . .  I also have no patience for text messaging talk.  Outside of LOL and LMFAO, I don't know what any of it stands for and I refuse to learn because I speak fluent, correct English.

As for husband-bashing, I want to state up-front, that I LOVE MY HUSBAND, ROB, TO DISTRACTION!!!  I am so incredibly lucky to have found him in that bar line 10 years ago.  That being said, he drives me crazy because we are two different human beings.  In most ways, we balance each other quite nicely.  I have found that marriage is a fine balancing act much like walking a tight-rope.  If one is lucky, one's spouse is your tether and keeps you anchored into what is truly important.  Today, my husband took the car to work with the car seat still in it.  Of course, I desperately needed to go pick up medicine at the pharmacy.  Grrrrr . . . I'm not husband-bashing.  I take nearly equal responsibility for this.  It just made for a difficult situation.  I had to beg my neighbor to watch the baby for 20 while I ran to the store.  See!  No problem. 

I am scared of most things that live in Arizona.  I don't like scorpions, I am terrified of spiders, and I completely lose my freaking mind if I am confronted with a snake.  Said snake can be alive, dead, in a cage or in a picture.  It doesn't matter.  I DON'T DO SNAKES.  I will not apologize for this.  People can deal with it.

Let's be honest, parts of our lives are offensive.  I am not so different from my 16 year old self though.  I want you to like me.  I like people and I like having friends.  I am a happy person and I am happy to share my days with you.  I hope you will follow me with this in mind. 


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